This app has been written to help identify confined spaces in your workplace and develop an inventory as required by legislation, as well as CSA Standard Z1006-16, Management of Work in a Confined Space.
Individual items (confined Spaces) are evaluated and saved to database. These saved items will show up on the list of confined spaces window. Once Saved, each space can be viewed individually. You will also be able to update information or audit ongoing work taking place within the space.
We would like to remind you once again that legislation may vary slightly for the jurisdiction in which you are performing the work. It is your responsibility to ensure you have met legislative requirements. As a user you must complete a full hazard assessment of the work area and the work to be performed to ensure all hazards have been identified and corrective measures have been put in place. This app has been developed as a tool to assist.
The full version of the program will allow you to:
- export database items to .csv files
- output images as part of the printed pages
- signature capabilities on evaluations
- sign and save safety audits
(safety audit hard copies can be printed from the audit page for completion in the field. Click the menu icon at the top right of your screen to print)\n\n
To leave comments, or to make suggestions or requests contact us at
Confined Space Management v2 will be available in the spring of 2020.
Be sure to ask about our safety management software 'JobSight